Key Stage 2
In Key Stage 2 we aim to build on and develop the experiences the children enjoy in Foundation and Key Stage 1. The school day is highly structured and visually organised so that the children know what to expect and feel reassured by predictable routines and timetables.
As well as the core subjects of Communication, Using Mathematics and Using ICT, we provide a topic-based approach to learning which incorporates history, geography, science and the arts as well as PE and RE. We utilise a range of strategies and resources that are tailored to each child's needs and fully embrace the benefits of an active and sensory approach to education.
As children move into the upper end of Key Stage 2 they will have the opportunity to experience choir, digital music making, swimming, life skills, trips, camp, visiting sports coaches and a host of other amazing experiences.
Harberton North Primary Department
There are 8 classes in the primary department in Harberton North. In most cases the class sizes are small to reflect the complex needs of the pupils. There is a high adult:child ratio to ensure our pupils can get the most out of their school day.
Many of our pupils enjoy exploring and learning through play-based activities, with formal work introduced on an individual basis where and when appropriate. We use a topic-based approach to learning and much of this is delivered through multisensory activities and programmes such as sensory stories, Tacpac, Attention Autism, Sensology, art, sensory play, workstations and music.
Being outdoors is an important part of our school day and pupils have regular opportunities to enjoy the outdoors, both in the playground or on sensory walks. Opportunities for physical development and self-regulation also form an important part of our daily routine, with pupils having access to a soft play room, sensory circuits and PE. Our school day is highly structured and predictable with all pupils being supported through the use of schedules at a level appropriate to them.