The Arts

This area of learning comprises the subjects of Art and Design, Drama and Music.  It provides rich opportunities for developing creativity, allowing children to express their ideas, feelings and interpretations of the world through pictures, sound, drama and dance.



A topic based approach is used in to ensure inter-connected learning across curricular areas.

Pupils are involved in making and appraising both the process and the skills of their experience.

Pupils express and communicate their ideas and feelings through the use of the four main forms of drama

  • Improvisation
  • Acting
  • Mime
  • Dance Drama

Our aims for the teaching and learning of drama in the school, as set out in school policy are;

-To stimulate creativity in problem solving.

-To challenge pupils’ perceptions about their world and about themselves.

-To provide pupils with an outlet for emotions, thoughts and dreams.

-Pupils may explore a range of real life issues and problems, exploring actions, choices, consequences and solutions in a safe atmosphere.

-Pupils have opportunities to work together, listen to and accept the viewpoints and contributions of others.

-Dramatic activities provide the opportunity to observe and copy gestures, tone of voice, body language and facial expression to teach social understanding and flexible thinking.

-All children may access all areas of the curriculum at a developmentally appropriate level through enjoyable and challenging activities.

-Children will have opportunities to see work exhibited and performed by professional artists.


Art & Design
"Art and Design provides a unique vehicle for communication and a distinctive way of learning.  It educates through, the development of knowledge and understanding, the expression of ideas and feelings and the practice of skills”

The art and design policy for Harberton aims to develop skills and abilities in accordance with the Northern Ireland Curriculum.  Art is taught throughout the school.

1. To enrich pupils sensory experiences and develop artistic awareness.
2. To develop intellectual and practical capabilities through participating creatively in a wide range of art and design activities.
3. To promote in pupils a growing appreciation and understanding of the relationships between their own work and that of artists, designers and craft workers, working in their own and other societies.
4. To give pupils the opportunity to use art to record their feelings and express their creative imagination.
5. To develop pupils' ability to work both independently and in collaboration with others, communicating their ideas visually and verbally.
6. To encourage pupils to select, experiment with and use materials, processes and technology confidently and appropriately in both two and three dimensions.
7. To raise self-esteem and foster and sense of achievement by helping pupils to develop ideas through to completion, and to evaluate the effectiveness of their work.


Music continues to play an important part in the education of our children.  All staff show great enthusiasm and initiative in this area of the curriculum.  Music is seen as a valuable and integral part of our school.  It brings an array of benefits including social awareness, confidence and self-expression.  These are important life-skills that we, at Harberton, strive to develop.

The school policy documents outline the main aims of music as being developing musical ability through:

    -  Listening
    - Composing
    - Performing

The policy outlines the management of music in Harberton and supports this with a whole school scheme and resource list.

Please click here to find out more information about the Northern Ireland Curriculum for The Arts